With Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® 
Regain the Comfort of Your Primary Home - Your Body
Create A Resilience Zone Within Yourself

A Mindful Process That Shifts Perception

Until recently, people thought the brain could not learn after a certain age. But new ways to measure neurological changes in the brain have become available due to new technology. And research has confirmed that our brains evolve, grow new synapses and adapt, given the right conditions.

The FELDENKRAIS Method® of Awareness Through Movement® creates the right conditions. It allows you to live with ease again. It restores lost mobility. It helps you recover from injury in record time. It improves learning. It expands your ability to focus. It soothes the nervous system traumatized by loss and teaches you a simple process for regaining equilibrium, no matter what life throws at you.

Feldenkrais allows you to continuously gain ground, no matter what your age or what has happened to disrupt your sense of self. Feldenkrais is a form of Somatic Education, meaning it promotes the ability to adapt and find equilibrium in an ever-changing world across all levels of experience.

How it’s Taught: Class or Private Sessions  BOOK NOW

Improve Learning, Cognition & Regain Lost Mobility with Ease.

Awareness Through Movement® is the class format of Feldenkrais which allows you to continuously gain ground, no matter what your age or your traumas. Awareness Through Movement® (ATM), classes in the Feldenkrais Method® restore stability in your posture that is dynamic and recovers easily. It releases the years of tension that trauma entrains in your habitual stance of being guarded, so that you find new ease in your movements AND optimize Learning at the Neurological Level!

Classes in person: CURRENTLY NOT TEACHING IN PERSON: presently curating and uploading 20 years of recordings for people to use at home, but you can do classes online with Gabrielle Pullen, Somatic Grief Coach and Feldenkrais PractitionerCM since 2004.

Feldenkrais Functional Integration® (F.I.) is the one-on-one format wherein the practitioner, trained over a minimum of four years, instructs you via gentle touch to learn to optimize places where your mobility is not used to best advantage according to what’s possible. Most people do what they need to, not ever reaching the full potential of what they could be enjoying in terms of stability, power and the use of leverage. In other words, most people do not understand basic biomechanics. FI, done by a skilled practitioner, can propel you into a new state of clarity in mind and body. If you are dealing with years of losses, you may not realize how trapped you are in the unconscious tension patterns of your body until you experience the true freedom that Feldenkrais can provide.

Private sessions Address: Your Life Matters, Gogi Building, 235 W Main St, Jacksonville, Oregon. If you can't come for an FI in person, you can always do a private zoom lesson with Gabrielle Pullen online.

Awareness Through Movement®

Bring Your Body Back To Life!

Free yourself from muscle pain that is the result of years of excessive tension. The tension you feel is one of the barely mentioned - unexpected consequences - of isolation and gradually becoming accustomed to living in a state of emergency. The problem is that these patterns of tension from stress and traumatic circumstances have become ingrained in your neurological response over the last two years. It has become a slowly encroaching new normal. It doesn't feel good but it's happened over time, like living in a pot that is slowly being heated up, so that you don't even notice it while its happening. Yet, it IS reversible. You CAN learn to release unconscious tension, how to reset the resting length of your muscles. Classes every Saturday in the Feldenkrais® Method of Awareness Through Movement® free you from the patterns of limitation that are holding you back from feeling true wellbeing. 10-11AM upstairs in the Gogi Building, Jacksonville.

Also as MP3's to relax with at home...
Rediscover the Joy of Easy Mobility
With Awareness Through Movement

Each course includes free audio recordings for practice at home.
Missed the series last year? Buy ATM Live Recordings
Learn A Process That Improves Everything

Freedom of Motion for LIfe!

You may feel like you've lost the momentum of easy mobility,
but you can easily regain it!
Last Minute? No Problem • Parking • Location
Text for Last Minute
Drop-In 541 777-0124
Live Classes
235 West Main St.
Jacksonville OR
Free parking in the Gogi Restaurant parking lot or on the street. Classes are held upstairs in the Gogi building. The big room is accessed by going around the other side to the entrance near Elan Gallery and Suites.


Photo credits:Drew Graham |  Averie Woodard |  Hannah Olinger
Thanks to these creators on Unsplash.com