Resilience Is Intentional

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Enter The Resilience Zone.

Become a pro at moving freely beyond pain and trauma.

Become an adept at accessing the Unified Field in a state of relaxation and renewal.

Become a Creator, one who catalyzes life experiences into greater connection and fulfillment.

We are a community of resilient creators, a mighty network of those Creating Space within for a new experience without...would you like to become part of a better world?
Somalogic: There are many paths to wellbeing...
Somalogic is the deeper knowing of the body, the awareness you have that you have not known how to express, at least not yet.

Many Are in a State of Overwhelm
When you are at a loss for what to do - you must break the pattern - You Must Regain Comfort In Being Alive

Sovereignity  • Autonomy  • Intuition • Community
How to forge your OWN path.
As millions of people protest across the planet and the shards of our broken political systems are revealed, huge change is at hand with the weather, the atmosphere, nutrition, medicine and survival itself in a constant state of flux. It's time for a re-direct. Stop relying on outside sources. Discover the hidden wisdom of your own being. Discover physical, emotional and spiritual resilience as a path for living in renewal.

When you need a pattern interrupt, start wherever your interest lies.

Just to recap the options on offer:

Track A - Pain & Mobility
Track B - Rest & Renewal
Track C - Clarity & Creativity

What You Do With Your Time & Focus Matters

The options you selected previously will show up in your email inbox shortly.

~Gabrielle Pullen~

Your Guide
I will do my best to send you only emails based on your interested rather than inundate you with stuff that you cannot process. The beauty of clearing space from within is simplicity.
It's makes room for what you love to resurface.
With respect for your individual journey,

~Gabrielle Pullen~
Your Guide
I will do my best to send you only emails based on your interested rather than inundate you with stuff that you cannot process. The beauty of clearing space from within is simplicity.
It's makes room for what you love to resurface.
With respect for your individual journey,

What Can You Expect When You Work With Gabrielle?
A Transformative Process That's Easy to Learn

"I feel so grounded!" 

This is the most comment I get most often when people work with me.
It's usually accompanied by a certain calm that is a result of the process.
I'm just the messenger. You embody the work when you do it and the benefits
are a sense of spaciousness and new access to ease and creativity.
  • Gabrielle is incredibly knowledgeable. She is helping me through my grief process. By becoming aware of how my thoughts and emotions are affecting my body, I am much more mindful of moving in healthy, safe ways.

    Cheryl Colwell
  • I've been telling everyone I know with back pain about the lessons I've taken from Gabrielle and what I've learned from her. I sure do recommend her! I have very serious scoliosis and the relief I have found is an improvement I have longed for. The clearing of old emotional baggage is huge.

    Michelle Howden
  • Over the past year, with skill and innate intelligence, she has helped me use writing to tap into my past, understand who I was growing up and who I am now. As I continue the journey to becoming more true to myself. She gives me the right mix of challenge and heart. I couldn't be in better hands.
    Mary Donkersloot
  • After I started working with Gabrielle I found that the peace I long was creeping into my life in unexpected ways. I experience calm in frustrating situations. My reactions to situations are way different. I can see other ways of viewing things. I don’t work at this-I don’t do anything. I merely attend the meditations or listen to the audio files at home!

    Pam Perkins
  • I don't know how it all works, but Gabrielle has given me some great medicine, in the form of her instruction, that has given me hope for managing my pain. That means a lot to me. She has given me a way to respond to aging that makes me feel it's not an inevitable decline in mobility and mental acuity.

    Jennifer Soloman
  • PTSD was raging and I couldn't get rid of it...I would lash out at people, get overwhelmed and always looking for a bunker, a place to get away. Getting to a different place started with going to iRest sessions with Gabrielle. I started to notice people looking back at me, like I wasn't projecting rage any more...I didn't see that for many years but whatever I was projecting outwards was different
    Richard Lowry
You are the one who has the power of choice that no one can take away from you.

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